Enrollment » Charter School Enrollment FAQ

Charter School Enrollment FAQ

Beacon Academy’s enrollment period is from the first Tuesday in September to February 1st at 4 p.m. (If February 1st falls on a weekend, the open enrollment period ends on the Friday before February 1st). Interested families should complete an Initial Enrollment Form and mail, hand deliver, email, or fax anytime during the enrollment period.
Students who are currently enrolled at Beacon Academy are guaranteed a place in the class for the next school year. They do not need to re-apply unless they have officially withdrawn and wish to return to Beacon Academy.
According to charter school law in the State of Minnesota, we must hold a random lottery for the available openings in the school if there are more applicants than openings for each grade level. The deadline for submitting an application eligible for the lottery is February 1st at 4 p.m. (If February 1st falls on a weekend, the application deadline is the Friday before February 1st.) All applications received by this deadline are weighted equally in our lottery session made open to the public. Applicants who are not placed according to the lottery drawing will be placed on an ordered waiting list and notified promptly if a space becomes available. For further details, please ask to see our Lottery Procedure or Enrollment Policy.
Siblings and children of Beacon Academy employees have preference in the enrollment process. If a student is currently enrolled in Beacon Academy, their sibling(s) will have priority in the class in which they have made application.
Per Minnesota state statute, a new enrollment form is required to be submitted each year. Those students on a waiting list for the current school year will have to submit a new Initial Enrollment Form for the next school year. 

See what our parents say about Beacon Academy!

"We transferred to Beacon Academy from another charter school in Maple Grove two years ago. The administration and office staff are wonderful. Our children are challenged academically, especially in math (all grades do one grade level above in Saxon math). The families that we have met are amazing - it's so nice to know that our kids have such great friends! This is just a super warm, caring, small school with high standards for academics and character. We couldn't be more happy to be a part of it." - Anonymous (via Great Schools)